That I don't blog as often or well as my sister. In fact I usually only change my background if I see she's changed hers for the month...hmm...mimicry is the highest form of flattery, right?
The people who say you should drink 64 fl. oz. of water a day had a little something slipped into their water in the '60s. I swear it can't be done!
Committing to stick to a diet plan has altered my perspective of my fellow man in unexpected ways...For example, those sweet co-workers who thoughtfully brought homemade chocolate chip cookies to share, suddenly have become unwitting henchmen of the evil gastrointestinal terrorist organization known as "the munchies;" intent on inflicting cruel and unusual punishment on poor sugar-deprived souls like myself.
My knee should not be as sore as it is right now. I'm way to young for this constant ache I've had all day.
There's a pile of laundry I don't want to fold lying in wait for me at home.
I miss chocolate...
Stop thinking about chocolate!!
Perhaps if I'm forced to deal with the laundry I can commandeer the bedroom TV from my husband. And maybe, just because I'm feeling slightly mischievous, I'll put on DWTS to bug him.
It's time for the workday to be done. I got up early and have a long drive home. Let's not have any last minute sniffles today, people!
Still missing the chocolate...