Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Pioneer Day

Six years ago today, Patrick proposed.

We were sitting in his car on the shore by Bear Lake, watching my cousins play in the water while it started to rain (hence why we were sitting in the car). We were both feeling pretty sleep deprived because we had stayed up late watching movies, I think maybe until 1:00 or 2:00 am, only to wake up at 5:00 am so that we could be to the lake on time to rent equipment. As neither of us are really "morning people" I'm still surprised that we didn't end up in a fiery car crash or something on the way up...

Anyway, we were just sitting and chatting while listening to the patter of the rain on the roof of the car. There came a lull in the conversation and I almost started to drift off to sleep when Patrick popped the question. I didn't even have to think about my answer, it just rolled right off my tongue. (Of course about thirty seconds later my brain caught up with my mouth and was slightly shocked at how easily I had agreed to such a life changing decision.)

I was thinking about that moment today as I was about to nod off into another nap after another busy day of swimming and playing with cousins ...

I'm still sleep deprived. But now it's because of waking early to care for our sweet baby girl. We still stay up way too late watching movies sometimes. But it's because we want to spend as much time as possible together, even when we work long days. And I'm sometimes still surprised by how much my life has changed since I said "yes." If I went back and relived that moment, I know that I still wouldn't even hesitate to take that leap despite knowing some of the challenges and hardships that would lay ahead.

It may have been the quickest decision I ever made, but it was by far the best. So, Happy Pioneer Day, Patrick. There is no one I would rather "blaze new trails" with than you!

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