Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No Heart Attacks Please...

Okay, so for the last couple of months, I've been enduring some particularly bad razzing about not blogging, answering my phone, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah, etc, ad nauseum...

So just for kicks and giggles I thought I'd watch all your jaws drop when you see this electronic proof of life. (Which, according to my sister, is what this is. Although, I still refuse to join Facebook on the principle that I am one of those people who causes everyone else to use long numerical identifiers in their usernames; like bumperstickerlover4567.)

Anyhow, since it has been a particularly long time, I'll update you all (my 1.5 readers) as to me and Patch's big life news:

Shortly after mom passed away Patrick lost his job. We have been, and are continuing to search for employment for him. So if any of you hear of something...PLEASE let us know. In the mean time, we have moved in with my father--doing our best to keep the house felt "lived in," both for his sake and ours. He has been so supportive of us, and we couldn't have made it this far without him. (Thank you, Dad. For everything and always.)

On a brighter note, I want to tell you all that heaven does exist and family members are our best gaurdian angels. The day we were helping Josh and Elena pack the truck for their move to Maryland I received what was probably the second most monumental phone call of my life. Tanya Nolan from WSU's Department of Radiologic Sciences called to tell me that they had had a vacancy in their Radiography program and would like to know if I would accept the position. It took my brain a little while to process this information. (I imagine it's a similar feeling to being told, "Congratulations, you've just won Who Wants to be a Millionaire!") After my neural circuits rebooted, I had just enough brain power to spit out the words "Yes! Please!"

I called everyone I could think of (which, granted wasn't many in my state of mind...if you are one of those I missed, I'm sorry. You're not alone!) and told them then news. After about five of these calls, my heart couldn't take it any more and I just stood there and sobbed in joy and relief.

I know with all my heart that my mother was instrumental in this twist of my fate. It was almost like I could hear her voice in my ear telling me it was all going to be okay. See how everything had worked out? I shouldn't worry so much about theses kind of things..."those feelings of chaos let you know your alive." (Truth be told, I didn't like it much when she was alive and would say that to me...and I can't say my opinion's changed. I still think peaceful feelings are much easier to deal with. All in all, though, she's right...)

Well, long story short(ened), I've attended my orientations for the program, bought scrubs and books (highway robbery!), and am getting ready to take the plunge into healthcare. It's very daunting at times, and I still feel out of place amongst some of these other students who already seem to know everything there is to know about this program; but I keep telling myself that my professors and clinical instructors understand that I'm paying for school to learn-- not to prove how much I already know. Let's just hope I know what I'm talking about. :)

Anyway, this has turned into an epistle when I wasn't looking...don't worry. There will be more later. I'm trying to keep my promise to Chrissy to blog at least twice a week. Wish me luck!


Chrissy said...

And I will reward your good blog updates with comments! Now where are the pictures? j/k ;) Love you tons and you are going to do great at school!

Elena Loo said...

That was so exciting!! (both the post the phone call) It was such a joy to Josh and Me to see you so excited too. We are So proud of you. We love you so much!! Good luck starting school, you'll rock the house, as always!

Sarah said...

Good Luck! I know how hard it is when your husband is looking for work, but I'm so excited for you and this new adventure you're going on.

Dinee said...

I heard a rumor that you were going to start blogging again. I'm so excited! Congratulations on getting into the radiology program. That is great! I look forward to many more posts......

Mary said...

Hi Caitlin! It's so good to here an update! I look forward to many more. :) Good luck with the program and finding a job.