Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ideas, anyone?

One of my very best friends, Stephanie, is in the MTC. She's leaving to serve a mission in the Baltic states soon and her birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I want to send her a care package, but I've never really shipped anything like that and I don't know what I should or shouldn't include.

I've been thinking I'll send her a mini pedicure kit since she'll be on her feet quite a bit, but I'd like some more ideas...

If you have any thoughts on the matter please share them with me!


Elena Loo said...

I'm no expert either, but it seems like any missionary is just grateful to have something "home-made" - cookies and what not. And I know you are great at those. Maybe a great pair of new socks with the pedi set, and some yummy cookies to indulge in.

Mary said...

I don't know that she would have time to enjoy a pedi set, but some good smelling lotion and lipgloss would likely be appreciated. I know I appreciated and used those gifts. Home made things are also a great idea.

Dinee said...

Treats!! I don't know the music rules anymore, but I loved getting new CD's from the Mo Tab Choir, EFY, or other LDS artists. When it's the only thing you can listen to for 18 months, you need some variety!