Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Quarter Century

That is how old I turned feels a little odd...and slightly empowering, in the sense that I can now legally rent a vehicle were I to become stranded in a foreign place. And my insurance rates should go down a bit. Score!

I want to say thanks to all the fabulous folks who sent me sweet/happy/funny birthday messages on Facebook, in text messages, and phone calls. Y'all made my day! (By the way I did get my wish from last night: today's workload was way less strenuous. Two patients in a 12 hour day. That's about 20 minutes of actual work, and 11 hours and 40 minutes of paid knitting time. Sweet.)

I wish I had something more profound or humorous to say in this moment--I feel that 25 years merits some kind of showing of how much wisdom I've been able to garner through life's experiences thus far--but the truth is: It's late and I've got nothing.......wait.......Nope. Nothing... Maybe inspiration will strike in the morning when my mental acuity is functioning on a higher level. (We can but hope.)

In the meantime, I'd like to say thanks once more. Life wouldn't be as much fun without all of you. Thanks for the memories.

(P.S. I did just think of one random funny thing I heard today that I thought I should share with you. 

I was listening to the lab tech preparing to take a blood sample from a kid who was about six or seven. She was in the zone and kind of went on autopilot when she said to this little kid, "Are you right or left handed?" He just looked at her like she was stupid and held up his hands to prove his point as he said, "Uh, both." 

Me and his mom snorted and had ourselves a good laugh while the tech just shrugged and carried on. It must be boring to live in such a humorless state of mind...)

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