Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Best and Worst of Days

Today was the best because:
1)      We had visits from three separate drug representatives today. We got sweet rolls and breakfast pastries from Sills Café, followed by comfort food from Maddox for lunch (even better because I didn’t get traumatized driving to go get it), and assorted fruits and dips for a late afternoon snack.
2)      We have a wonderful provider at this clinic who believes in employee morale; so he has arranged for free 15 minute massages from professionals every Wednesday for the next several months. How awesome is that?!I melted into a (not so) little puddle of happiness after my turn. This is the best my back has felt in weeks! (Particularly after I took a tumble trying to get out of my car and up my porch steps the other night…no serious injury to anything but my pride, but I’ve been extra stiff/sore for a few nights now.)
3)      Three separate people here have birthdays this week, so we were also surprised with free chocolate cake and ice cream.
4)      I had a very mellow workday with my exams evenly spaced out so that I had time to digest all these awesome foodstuffs people kept bringing without feeling like I was going to burst; Yet not so slow that I was afraid of falling into a food-induced coma (aka: the afternoon nap).

Today was the worst because:
1)      I got a phone call from my OB’s office to confirm my lab test results from my visit on Monday—I’m slightly anemic and have to start taking iron supplements with my other vitamins. (Okay fine. Yet another pill to remember, but no big deal, right?) And…
2)      I failed my glucose tolerance test by one point. Normal is considered to be anything in the range below 135. Mine was 136.
3)      Now I’m scheduled to have the three hour tolerance test on Monday the 18th. Whoopee. Just what I wanted—to get stuck repeatedly in the arm while not being allowed to eat, and having to drink more of that nasty sugar water—I’d rather chug a couple bottles of barium.
4)  Our Thermostat up in the lobby was broken so I was sitting and sweltering in 80 degree heat trying to fan myself with interoffice memos.  

I guess I’m just going to have to treat myself while I can this coming weekend. I’m terrified of the thought of gestational diabetes…no sweets, daily finger sticks, and typically bigger babies to push out…I really hope I pass this next test. Oreos have been one of my biggest cravings—please don’t take them away!


Megs said...

I've failed my first glucose test every time. I feel for you with the three hour test, it's definitely not something I look forward to.

On the bright side I've passed the three hour test every time, so hopefully you will too!

Chrissy said...

Bummer about the test. I hope it comes back negative. :(

Dinee said...

I had to do the 3 hour test once and it came back fine. I used to work in a lab and the majority of the tests I ran came back normal so I'm hopeful yours will too!!