Monday, January 14, 2013


I woke up happy today. All those good feelings of accomplishment from yesterday followed me through the night and into the morning. Yay! Patrick even woke up a little earlier than usual and agreed to help me continue on my tidiness quest by doing three simple chores before he left for work that would free up more of our evening for playing and relaxing.

I love it when he does stuff like this! It makes me feel special and appreciated—plus it gives me hope that maybe parenting won’t be as hard or scary as I feel because I know he’ll be there to help. J

The good feelings continued all the way to work, despite the absolutely frigid temperature! (Four degrees, people! Four.) I hit all green lights…that never happens! Plus, we had a drug rep visit the docs this morning, which meant free muffins for all. Woot! (I grabbed the biggest, most chocolate-y one I could find and said a little prayer of gratitude that we were given breakfast this morning since I wasn’t able to eat before leaving.)

Things went downhill just a bit during the course of the morning. Mondays are usually busy here…I can accept that. But this morning was downright crazy! In the space of 5 minutes I went from having just one chest x-ray, to having three spines, two knee injuries, and three more chests waiting.  And after that things just kind of snowballed so that it took me until 1:30 pm to catch up on everything that was ordered.

But, since there is a yin and yang to life, my crazy morning was rewarded with a free lunch from CafĂ© Rio courtesy of another drug rep. (Best day ever!) I got a lot of strange looks from my coworkers  as I carefully disassembled my salad so I could pick out all the beans and then reassemble it—but I took it in stride and told them they should be thanking me. Bean gas is bad enough, but I can only imagine that pregnancy bean gas is much worse…

And the karmic rewards continued with a much slower paced afternoon that allowed me a couple opportunities to rest between exams. Although it did get so slow at one point and I had to get up and walk around to avoid nodding off. Still, no complaints! It’s like I said: feast or famine.

I had a little bit of a scary time trying to pull into my driveway when I got home. We live next to a main thoroughfare that is plowed and salted regularly, but our street only gets essentially we're driving on pack ice. It had melted just enough during the day so it became slushy and slick, which caused me to slide around a lot on my not-very-wide-driveway. Happily, I was able to keep my calm and park without any incidents. (But I don't think I'll try to park in the driveway the next time it's like this...)

I tried to keep yesterday's momentum going, so I switched over the laundry, did some more dishes, got dinner started in enough time so that it would be ready when Patch gets home, and did a 15 minute quick pick-up through the main rooms. Again, feeling pretty good about that!

I also got a lovely surprise visit from Scott and Ana, my brother and sister-in-law. We love to hang out with them, but ever since New Year we've been pretty busy and haven't seen them in a while. They were just stopping by on their way home from running some errands, so it was nice to visit for a little while! Scott was also very kind and lugged our garbage can down the treacherous driveway for me. (Our garbage pickup is on Tuesdays and we almost always miss it! Got to get out of that habit while it's still harmless to miss once in a while...)

Now there's not much else to do but look forward to a quiet evening with my husband. Always my favorite part of the day. 


Chrissy said...

Good for you, keeping that momentum going. I hope you had a nice quiet evening.

cari said...

I do have to say that if you ever feel bad about how messy your house is, then just come over to my house without calling first. You'll feel much better about your house!!! :)