Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Establish a house of order"

(DISCLAIMER: This post originally had several pictures to go along with it, but due to technical difficulties, before and after shots will have to wait until we--meaning Patrick--figure out a different way to retrieve the photos off the camera's memory card. The current option isn't working.)

Today was Sunday, a day of rest...normally we take that "rest" part to heart with lots of naps and visits to family. But not today. 

We got to church (on time) for the (gasp) second week in a row! I think that may be our longest streak ever...I hope we can keep it going. Today was ward conference and many of the lessons were geared around a common theme: "Establishing a house of order." Each year, our ward picks a "theme" or set of goals to focus on. And I definitely felt that I needed to really apply this year's goal to my life. 

Remember a couple of posts ago when I mentioned we had to be very careful until payday? (Like most of us do from time to time.) Well, turns out I had no idea how right that was! We are running very close to empty in our gas tanks, our pantry, and our stress coping skills. :) And as I sat listening to the various speakers elaborate on the way cultivating a habit of order and reverence for our daily lives would benefit us, I got inspired to make some changes in my daily habits. 

I have a sort of split personality when it comes to maintaining order in my home. If I am able to get a room in "Spring Clean" condition, I become very anal about keeping it that way. (Picture labels everywhere, with organizational binders and schematics, and chore schedules...) On the other hand, the moment I slip up or become lax about maintaining my rigid perfection, I automatically do a 180 and become the kind of person who says, "Don't touch that pile! I've memorized where everything is!" Sad, but true. 

I have come to realize that perfection isn't always practical--or even desirable--%100 of the time. But neither is the alphabetical clutter approach. So I am choosing to focus instead on "tidiness." I looked around my house when we got home from church and didn't like what I saw. Christmas decorations were still up. The bedroom looked like the equivalent of a laundry Chernobyl. The kitchen was piled high with dirty dishes and random trash. The bathroom was suffering from an overflowing waste basket and in desperate need of a thorough scrubbing. And I was getting ready to have a nervous breakdown as I mentally cataloged all the things that needed to be done before I could classify my home as "orderly."

Then I remembered a saying from a website called "Your house didn't get dirty in one day, and it won't get clean overnight either." So instead of crying, I decided to pick three things I could do today. 

#1- We were going to be eating at home that night, so I needed stuff to cook with. Voila! First goal was to empty the sink and do the dishes. 

#2- Patrick and I both needed work clothes for tomorrow, so laundry was definitely on the list. Goal two: pick up the massive laundry explosion in the bedroom and sort it into the appropriate bins. (Two birds with one stone there, because I was also tired of tripping over things in the dark during my late night bathroom trips.)

#3- We were almost out of laundry soap, and had no money to get more. Luckily I remembered that I had bought supplies to make my own a couple months ago and just never got around to it. So, goal three: find laundry soap ingredients and mix up a batch. 

And I am happy to report that (with some help from my sweet husband) I met every single one of those goals! My kitchen counters still need to be picked up and wiped down, and the bedroom surfaces still need attention; but the dishes are done, the bedroom floor is clear and the bed freshly made, and two loads of sweet smelling laundry have been neatly folded and put away. And I feel okay about all that.

Tomorrow is another day, and I feel like I will be able to face it with more equanimity than before.  


Chrissy said...

I love this. It's so easy for me to get caught in the same mind trap, if it can't all be immaculate then why bother with the rest, but doing a little bit everyday to get it clean and keep it that way is so much easier than a day (or two) long cleaning marathon! Good job accomplishing your goals for today. :)

Elena Loo said...

I feel your pain on the no money for gas thing. I feel like we are testing out our mad skills at making food with whatever we have. Josh is amazing because he's still able to make it delicious. Bless his heart.
Good job accomplishing your goals! I found something on pinterest, or facebook, or somewhere that was a ladies "daily" things. She had it lined out that she only had to clean for about 45 min a day and its stuff that included "spring cleanign stuff" too, I will have to send it to you. I haven't quite tried it myself, but would like to.
A trick I learned for myself on the laundry front, is we have a smallest hamper in the bathroom. As soon as that is full, I do the laundry, I gather all the clothes from the hampers and it ends up being 2-3 loads. I probably do it twice a week. And you know from our old house, that is a great improvement! I used to have mountains. anyways, sorry for teh long comment, I just love being more in your guys' world!! Keep up the good work on the house and goal accomplishing. And keep blogging! I miss you all the time!! Love you and

Tiffany said...

Awesome Caite!

Which recipe did you use?

I am exactly in the same boat as you...I've also reconciled myself to the fact that this is NOT the season to have an immaculate home. So, I take 3 fifteen minute breaks each day--one to do a load of dishes, one to do a load of laundry, and one break to hit all of the "Hot Spots" and clean up the clutter. Steven has also done his best to do a load of dishes here and there. I'm never caught up with dishes or laundry, and the house isn't always clean, but I do manage to get one room tidy each day, which means I'll never have the whole house clean, but it does mean that I am managing the house. :)

Best of luck my dear! If you want a recipe for homemade dish detergent (one batch lasts a whole year!) or for homemade cleaners/diaper wipes/dryer sheet replacement let me know!