Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just chillin' and playing doctor

I would say today was a good day despite--rather, in spite of--all the icy rain we got. 

Since I had the day off, I rode with Patrick down to Centerville so I could hang out with Chrissy and Kaylee. The drive itself was a mix of buttock-clenching and super annoying moments. There were some areas that were super slick, and I shut my eyes so that I wouldn't be able to see the inevitable end approaching...and there were some drivers that just should not have been driving in that weather. I have to hand it to Patrick though; for all that he got annoyed by conditions and other drivers' stupid mistakes, he was extremely cautious and we made it to the Wal-Mart parking lot in safety.

As I walked into the store to wait for Chrissy--who had very kindly agreed to pick me up--I realized I needed to use the facilities after a ride like that. And to my surprise I found a dollar bill in my pants pocket after I finished washing up. (Unexpected dollar bills always brighten up the day, I find...) So I wandered over to the bakery and bought a doughnut. Breakfast of champions right there. And, in a way, it was a free breakfast--even better!

I met up with Chrissy and we picked up Lila from preschool. (She totally wasn't kidding about the cul-de-sac ice skating rink, people! It was scary!) And shortly after that, we were joined by Kaylee, who treated us to lunch at Kneaders. She. Is. The. Bomb. And to top it off, she totally indulged us in some of their gorgeous and decadent pastries afterward. (My nutrition definitely took a backseat to my sweet tooth today...I think my final tally is somewhere around "Healthy meals: 2, Pastries/Candy: 5" Meh. I'll do better tomorrow...maybe...well, I'll think about it...)

When Patch finally got off work, we were at Dad's playing cards and enjoying his "homemade" empanadas. (I'm totally going to try his idea of using Pillsbury biscuits to save time on the dough.) I can't tell you how grateful I am that my Dad is such a sweet, generous guy. He gave us some money--always appreciated!--and some ice-melt to take home with us--even more appreciated! We definitely wouldn't have made it up our driveway without it...

And we were able to use some of the money to "play veterinarian" tonight. Baxter has been peeing in places other that his litter box for two days. He didn't pee very much, and almost always in a place where we could catch him in the act, so I was pretty sure it wasn't a behavioral thing. We changed his litter, monitored his food and water more closely, and removed all "temptation" (piles of clothes or blankets) so the only place for him to go was his litter box. And then this morning we saw there was a little bit of blood in his urine. 

I was really worried. We can't afford to take him to the vet, and I didn't want to give him up unless there wasn't another choice, but I wasn't sure if this was something we could really help him with. I did some research and decided to try one "cat lady's" advice: crushing up vitamin C tablets and mixing it into wet food. She said this had worked for her and she owns six cats (I'll stick with just the one, thanks.) we went to the store and got some Fancy Feast and vitamins to give it a try. Baxter practically inhaled it! I have never seen that animal eat so fast or determinedly. I'm really hoping that this works and he gets better soon. 

If any of you have/had cats with this problem, please leave me a comment and let me know if you know if there is anything else we can do for him at home. Thanks!

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